Friday, November 8, 2013

12 Years a Slave

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Cast of Characters:
Solomon Northup - Chiwetel Ejiofor
Edwin Epps - Michael Fassbender
William Ford - Benedict Cumberbatch
John Tibeats - Paul Dano
Theophilus Freeman - Paul Giamatti
Patsey - Lupita Nyong'o
Mary Epps - Sarah Paulson
Samuel Bass - Brad Pitt
Mistress Harriet Shaw - Alfre Woodard

Director - Steve McQueen
Screenplay - John Ridley
Based on the autobiography Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup
Rated R for violence/cruelty, some nudity and brief sexuality

      Oscar buzz is ringing! Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch and Academy Award nominees Paul Giamatti, Brad Pitt and Alfre Woodard star in the true story of Solomon Northup, 12 Years a Slave, based on his autobiography.

      Jonathan Martin, as a Dolphins fan, I must tell you that Solomon Northup called to say you're a bit of a pussy. Based on a true story set in the mid-nineteenth century, Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is a free black man living in Saratoga Springs, New York and making a living as an expert violinist. 

      After a night out in Washington, D.C., with two other men paying him for a lucrative touring gig, Solomon wakes up to find himself chained. That's when he realizes he has been deceived and sold into slavery.

      12 Years a Slave is the type of uncompromising film some, in spite of the gorgeous southern backdrop courtesy of cinematographer Sean Bobbitt (who also did impressive work earlier this year with The Place Beyond the Pines and Byzantium) - may find hard to watch. It doesn't pull any punches. The most powerful scene is one without any dialogue involving a noose. That's all I'll say about it, so you can find out what happens for yourself, but what's even more telling is the way the slaves surrounding what is happening react. For over fifteen years, Chiwetel Ejiofor has always been a consistently solid acting presence that never really got the credit he deserves. He's always been one of those "Hey, it's that one guy" type of actors. I believe with his performance here, he's finally due. This is a raw and powerfully emotional, career performance from Ejiofor that if it doesn't result in a Best Actor Oscar nomination - hell, even an offensive asshole like me is gonna whip out the race card. In fact, they should give a Supporting Actor nomination to his body language while they're at it 'cause Ejiofor is capable of stirring emotions with just the look in his eyes. Steve McQueen regular Michael Fassbender turns in his finest work to date as the brutal slave owner Edwin Epps. Just when you thought he couldn't be any more vicious, Sarah Paulson shows up as his wife and out-evils him to the point I was actually pulling for Epps to put her back in her place with a good bitch slap. Paul Giamatti and Paul Dano seem to make not liking their characters relatively easy. Benedict Cumberbatch - who's been having a fantastic year for 2013 - is equally strong as the slave owner Ford, who takes a liking to Northup and the skills he provides, and Brad Pitt, who only appears for just about three scenes, once again doesn't disappoint. As disappointing as The Counselor was, Pitt (starring also with Fassbender) was one of the film's strengths and it just doesn't matter if he's playing the lead role or a supporting character. He excels at both. I'd be remiss not to mention Lupita Nyong'o. This is her American film debut and she hits a grand slam with it. Director Steve McQueen has never been one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat things with his film and not every character is black and white (See that? I made a pun in a serious film review! Hell, yeah, I'm hardcore!). Some slave owners are vicious sons of bitches and some, like Cumberbatch, show a more compassionate side. Even Solomon, despite the fact that we are rooting for him, is not without his character flaws. That's what makes this film so realistic and so great.

      This is not some saccharine Roots miniseries. This is a heartbreaking, powerfully acted, unapologetically directed tale of triumph featuring three Oscar worthy performances from Ejiofor, Fassbender and Nyong'o. It's not only one of the year's most memorable films. It's one of the year's best. I give 12 Years a Slave an A+ (★★★★).

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